Code: 061312101 | Credits: 3.00 |
Course Description: Object orientation is a new approach to understand the complexities of the real world. In contrast to the earlier approaches like procedural etc, object orientation helps to formulate the problems in a better way giving high reliability, adaptability and extensibility to the applications. The students are already familiar with this concept of programming in C which is the basic for C++. This course offers the modern programming language C++ or JAVA that shall help the students to implement the various concept of object orientation practically. The students will be able to program in the object oriented technology with the usage of C++ or JAVA.
Code: 061312102 | Credits: 1.50 |
Course Description: To solve a problem the object oriented approach is a novel custom by which students will learn to implement real-world entities like inheritance, hiding, polymorphism etc. in programming. By this course students will be familiar with different object oriented programming languages and performs for implementing them.
Code: 061312103 | Credits: 3.00 |
Course Description: The goal of physics, a fundamental science, is to explain every natural phenomenon that takes place in the universe. The basis of knowledge upon which contemporary innovations and all other studies are formed is provided by physics, which has contributed to the unraveling of the universe' wonders. In this course, students gather, analyze, and interpret primary and secondary data to research a wide range of events and technologies using some of the most significant physics models, laws, and theories, such as the electromagnetic theory, the laws of classical mechanics, the kinetic particle model, and the atomic model.
Code: 061312104 | Credits: 1.50 |
Course Description: A student needs to know the approaches to collect data, revise an experimental procedure, evaluate the process and outcomes of an experiment and conduct an experiment collaboratively. This course will help the students to do these things according to 053312103 course.
Code: 061312105 | Credits: 3.00 |
Course Description: Calculus is a mathematical model that aids in system analysis and the search for the best solution for future prediction. Calculus principles are extremely important in real life, whether it is to address problems with complex shapes, automobile safety, survey data analysis for company planning, credit card payment records, or determining how a system changes over time. Engineers, doctors, economists, biologists, architects, medical professionals, and statisticians frequently employ calculus as their language of choice. Students will study differentiation, integration, limit, continuity and differentiable in this course.
under a plane curve in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates. Trapezoidal rule. Simpson's rule. Arc lengths of curve in Cartesian and polar co-ordinates, parametric and pedal equations. Intrinsic equation. Volumes of solids of revolution. Volume of hollow solids of revolutions by shall method. Area of surface of revolution.
Code: 061312106 | Credits: 3.00 |
Course Description: Discrete mathematics is the study of discrete objects where discrete means containing distinct or unconnected elements. It determines whether a mathematical argument is logically correct or not by studying the relationships between finite sets. Students need to learn discrete mathematics to develop their ability of understanding and creating mathematical arguments to provide the mathematical foundation for advanced mathematics and computer science.
Code: 022212307 | Credits: 3.00 |
Course Description: এই কোর্সের লক্ষ্য হলো ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদেরকে বাংলাদেশের ইতিহাস, ভাষা আন্দোল্ পাকিস্তান আমলের কার্যক্রম, ১৬৯৬- এর গণঅভ্যুত্থান ও ১১ দফা আন্দোলন,১৯৭০-এর নির্বাচন ও বঙ্গবন্ধুর স্বাধীনতা ঘোষণা মুক্তিযুদ্ধের ইতিহাস জানো।এরফলে তারা মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনায় উজ্জীবিত হবে এবং এর সঠিক ইতিহাস জানতে পারবে।
(The aim of this course is to teach the students about the history of Bangladesh, the activities of the language movement, the Pakistan period, the uprising of 1696 and the 11-point movement, the election of 1970 and Bangabandhu's declaration of independence, and the history of the liberation war. As a result, they will be inspired by the spirit of the liberation war and will learn its true history.)