Admission Tuition and Registration

Students may apply to the Dean through Head of the department describing the name and credits of courses to be taken.

Clear your previous dues and contact with Registrar Office/Exam Office for removal of block result.

In case of specific reason, if you could not pay your registration fees and did not complete the registration, then you must drop the semester in the student portal.

  1. Write an application (describing specific reason) to the Dean through Head of the Department within 2 weeks of the last date of registration.
  2. If Head and Dean approve, then you need to submit the copy of the approval to the Registrar Office for final approval.
  3. One week later you need to check the student portal and/or contact the department office to confirm the semester drop.


The minimum CGPA is 2.50 to get your degree certificate.

Clear your previous dues and contact with Registrar Office/Exam Office for removal of block result.

Contact your Head of the Department who will assign your supervisor for internship & thesis.