M.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering

Summary of the program


Total Fee


Total Credit

1.5 Year

Course Duration

Message from Chairman, CSE

As the Chairman of the Computer Science and Engineering department. The People’s University of Bangladesh, I extend my personal greetings to you. The CSE department under the School of Applied Science and Engineering, has celebrated of unprecedented growth. The department has faced many challenges and is now poised to move into the next decade of improvement. Our goal is to provide high quality education, as in the new millennium, the future of Bangladesh depends on the successful transformation into an ICT based, knowledge driven economy Computer Science and Engineering is an important discipline that can help speed up this transformation. In this department, you will find a group of dedicated teachers working diligently to advance the frontiers of Computer Science and Engineering. The atmosphere within our department is one of community energy intellectual vigor and a shared commitment to lead and excel. Here a student will find the opportunity to develop his or her full potential. Lastly to the potential students, we welcome you to the challenging exploration and bring along your curiosity intelligence and passion, so you can take part in this wonderful adventure to your goal.

Fahmida Islam

Chairman, Dept. of CSE


Department of COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING of The People’s University of Bangladesh (PUB) offers M.Sc. IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING programme which is in an inter-disciplinary field combining computer engineering, electronics and information technology. This area is extremely broad and has been advancing rapidly in the last two decades. This field is the use of Computer and Information Technology to ease human labor or extend the mental or physical capabilities of humans. It is ever-evolving. While in ancient times, it was mechanization of some simple process; today it becomes an integrated process. All advanced technologies in this field demand manipulation of a large amount of information in real time, and only with today’s advanced computer technology can they be practical. Due to rapid advances in field many practicing engineers cannot keep pace with the latest development.

With the outstanding staff members here in the Department, we are confident in accomplishing our mission and looking forward to an ever-bright future.


Our mission is to teach and prepare liberally educated, articulate, and skilled computer science and software engineers for leadership and professional careers and for advanced study.  A central objective of our program is to contribute to society by advancing the fields of computer science and engineering through innovations in teaching and research, thus enhancing student knowledge through interactive instruction, global engagement, and experiential learning. The program will serve as a resource to inform society about innovations related to the production and uses of computers and software.


Graduates of the Computer Science and Engineering Department will be recognized as innovative leaders in the fields of computer science and engineering by their work in software development in a myriad of application areas, and through their work in advanced study and research.The faculty will continue to be known for their passion for teaching these students and for their knowledge, expertise, and innovation in advancing the frontiers of knowledge in computer science and software engineering.


The prime objective of the university is to attract the potential and talent of our youths so that they can meet the challenge of the twenty first century. There is some list of objectives are given below.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving techniques using the computer.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in at least two high-level programming languages and two operating systems.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems.
  • Demonstrate comprehension of modern software engineering principles.
  • Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline of computer science.

Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)

Student Learning outcomes describe what students are expected to know and be able to do by the time of graduation. The Computer Science Department’s Bachelor of Science program must enable students to attain, by the time of graduation:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline
  • An ability to identify, formulate, and develop solutions to computational challenges.
  • An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computational system to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.
  • An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish shared computing design, evaluation, or implementation goals.
  • An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities for the computing profession.
  • An ability to communicate and engage effectively with diverse stakeholders.

Eligibility for Admission

The Students entering this programme should have a Bachelor’s degree in CSE/CS/CSI/ ETE/Applied Physics, Electronics & Communication Engineering from any recognized university with a CGPA 2.5 or above. Applicants with a first degree in other fields may also be considered provided that they have some experiences working in relevant field. Such applicants must be required to take a number of prerequisite courses (list enclosed) as decided by the department of Computer Science & Engineering. The applicants should good proficiency in English.

Degree Requirements

In order to fulfill the M.Sc. degree requirements, a student must achieve a total of 36 credit hours with a minimum CGPA 2.50. Students may belong to either thesis or non-thesis group. Thesis group students should take 18 credit hours course work (6 courses) and 18 credit hours thesis. Non-thesis group students should take 27 credit hours course work (9 courses) and 9 credit hours project/industrial attachment. The length of study is usually four semesters. The maximum length of study is four years. All courses are to be taught in the evenings and/or weekends and elected from the course offered in the M.Sc. programme. Each course consists of fourteen 3-hour lecture/laboratory sessions over a period of fourteen weeks, a 2-week recess followed by a comprehensive examination.

As the programme is designed for practicing engineers and managers who have graduated for a few years, the courses are made to be self-contained and independent. Reviews of fundamental theories are included in each of the courses.

SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
1MCSE-4001Object Oriented Programming & Lab3.00
2MCSE-4003Data Structure & Algorithm and Lab3.00
3MCSE-4005Database Management Systems & Lab3.00
4MCSE-4007Software Engineering3.00
5MCSE-4009Data Communication & Computer Networks and Networks Lab3.00

Computer Architecture & Microprocessor Lab


(Any six for thesis group/Any nine for non-thesis group)

SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
1MSCSE 5001Graph Theory3.00
2MSCSE 5003Parallel Algorithms3.00
3MSCSE 5005Advanced Artificial Intelligence3.00
4MSCSE 5007Machine Learning3.00
5MSCSE 5009Fuzzy Logic3.00
6MSCSE 5011Data Mining3.00
7MSCSE 5013Data Encryption and Cryptography3.00
8MSCSE 5015Advanced Multimedia Systems3.00
9MSCSE 5017Advanced Syntactic Pattern Recognition3.00
10MSCSE 5019Advanced Micro-processor3.00
11MSCSE 5021Robotics3.00
12MSCSE 5023Advanced Machine Vision and Image Processing3.00
13MSCSE 5025Advanced Distributed Database Systems3.00
14MSCSE 5027Satellite Communication3.00
15MSCSE 5029Web Programming3.00
16MSCSE 5031Bio- informatics3.00
17MSCSE 5033Advanced Mobile Cellular Communication3.00
18MSCSE 5035Management Information System3.00
19MSCSE 5037Advanced Logic Design3.00
20MSCSE 5039Advanced Database Systems3.00
21MSCSE 5041Speech Recognition3.00
22MSCSE 5043Neural Networks3.00
23MSCSE 5045Elements of Cryptography3.00
24MSCSE 5047Computer Graphics and Animation3.00
25MSCSE 5049Mathematical Programming3.00
26MSCSE 6000Thesis (18 credit hours for thesis group)/Project or Industrial Attachment (9 credit hours for non-thesis group). 


SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
1011151301Techniques in Research3.00
2061951102Advanced Artificial Intelligence3.00
3061251103Advanced Database Systems3.00
4061251104Advanced Computer Networks3.00


Any Two Courses
SL Code Course Title Credits
1 CSE-100 Graph Theory 3.00
2 MTH-101 Parallel Algorithms 3.00
3 ENG-101 Advanced Machine Learning 3.00
4 PHY-101 Fuzzy Logic 3.00
5 PHY-102 Advanced Data Mining 3.00
6 CSE-100 Advanced Mobile Cellular Communication 3.00
7 MTH-101 Data Encryption and Cryptography 3.00
8 ENG-101 Advanced Multimedia Systems 3.00
9 PHY-101 Advanced Syntactic Pattern Recognition 3.00
10 PHY-102 Advanced Micro-processor 3.00
11 CSE-100 Advanced Robotics 3.00
12 MTH-101 Advanced Machine Vision and Image Processing 3.00
13 ENG-101 Advanced Distributed Database Systems 3.00
14 PHY-101 Satellite Communication 3.00
15 PHY-102 Web Programming 3.00
16 CSE-100  Bio- informatics 3.00
17 MTH-101 Management Information System 3.00
18 ENG-101 Advanced Logic Design 3.00
19 PHY-101 Thesis 6.00

Any Four Courses

SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
1061352201Graph Theory3.00

Parallel Algorithms

3061952203Advanced Machine Learning3.00
4061952204Fuzzy Logic3.00
5061952205Advanced Data Mining3.00
6071452206Advanced Mobile Cellular Communication3.00

Data Encryption and Cryptography

8061152208Advanced Multimedia Systems3.00
9061952209Advanced Syntactic Pattern Recognition3.00
10061352210Advanced Micro-processor3.00
11071452211Advanced Robotics3.00

Advanced Machine Vision and Image Processing

13061252213Advanced Distributed Database Systems3.00
14071452214Satellite Communication3.00
15061252215Web Programming3.00
16051252216 Bio- informatics3.00

Management Information System

18061352218 Advanced Logic Design3.00


SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
SL Code Course Title Credits
1 061361400 Project 9.00
Any One Courses
SL Code Course Title Credits
1 071461201 Speech Recognition 3.00
2 061261202 Advanced Neural Networks 3.00
3 061261203 Elements of Cryptography 3.00
4 061261204 Computer Graphics and Animation 3.00
5 061361205 Mathematical Programming 3.00
SLCodeCourse TitleCredits
1061312101Object Oriented Programming3.00
2061321105Data Structure and Algorithm3.00
3061222103Database Management Systems3.00
4061332209Software Engineering3.00
5061232103Data Communication and Computer
6061331101Computer Architecture3.00


Tuition Fee

1Admission Fee15,000/-
2Fee Per Credits2,750/-
3Fee Per Semester33,000/-
4Total Course Fee99,000/-