Greetings! It’s amazing how time flies! It seems like yesterday when Department of Law and Justice began its maiden journey with only 6 students in September 2009. Now, we survive and thrive with more than 400 running students and receiving hundreds of applications from students aspired to study law in this renowned department. Within this timeline, we are trying to become one of the top Department of Law in this country and also receiving name and fame as many of our law graduates have successfully become lawyers and practicing law both in subordinate courts and high court division. Some of them also joined Bangladesh Judicial Service and many more are holding different positions in many organizations with repute and holding their position in good standing in the society.
Graduates from our department benefit in different ways from the unique advantages offered by the Department. The curriculum is set up in such a manner that students are offered from a wide range of courses taught by faculty members with national and worldwide competence and reputation in relevant subjects. Faculty members are dedicated not only to providing necessary information to students, but also to counseling students on topics ranging from course content, legal difficulties, and professional ambitions to personal interests. Every semester seminars are held relating to different legal issues for the benefit of the students. The students are also allowed to visit the court with the expert so that they can gather live experiences outside the bookish knowledge.
Chairman, Dept. of Law & Justice
Under the school of law, the department of Law & Justice was started its operation from 1st September‟2009 by offering 4-years based LL. B (Hons.) program after obtaining final approval of syllabus of program & necessary permission from University Grant Commission (UGC), Bangladesh. The ultimate purpose of the department is to produce high standard law professionals who can deliver their judicial service for ensuring justice to the society at large as lawyer, judge or other skilled professionals. The department is operating its academic functions by its full-time faculties out of which four are full-time lecturers and one associate professor & also with the assistance of resource person like senior professors of the public universities, senior judges, senior lawyers of the Judges‟ court & the Supreme Court of Bd. The department is continuing its administrative functions by the Dean, Chairman, Course coordinator, Academic, Exam & Tabulation committee. The department is not only continuing its] academic function in classroom-based system but also develop its products by providing clinical legal education like mock trial, court visit, study tour, annual picnic, law seminar and workshop, report writing, assignment, class test, mid-term exam, final exam, quiz, viva-voce, class presentation & other frequent assessment process. For obtaining 4-years LL. B(Hons) degree, each law student must have to achieve 141 credits & need to pass in 47 courses in between six months based eight semesters. The department of Law & Justice is always trying to maintain its high quality of standard to produce potential law graduates & postgraduates as per direction of PUB authority, UGC & Bangladesh Bar Council
Department of Law and Justice of the People’s University of Bangladesh, believes in propagating legal knowledge in a resourceful way with a view to assistance in the nation’s development. To achieve this objective, the Department of Law and Justice identifies the following steps:
To work towards the advance, improvement and foundation of such a generation of students who possess the intellectual genius, moral consciousness and social responsibility to ensure the Rule of Law, not just locally but also promulgating the same globally. Since we lead the way in legal professional education, the onus is on us to show the way in assimilating the Rule of Law within the society and remove any discrimination with respect to person, property or community in the society. The University is ground for Solicitors, Adjudicators, Legislators and Public Servants in the creating which would form part of the governing organism in the forthcoming future. We endeavor to create them preeminent in whatever constructive they do and polish them into professionals who would make a mark in the legal expanse.
An applicant having at least second division at SSC & HSC or equivalent examinations will be eligible for admission into the LLB (Hons.) program of the university. For GCE, O-level Five (5) subjects and A-level one (1) subject; or A-level two (2) subjects and O-level three (3) subjects; or USA high school diploma with twelve years schooling. The intending students shall have to appear in an admission test to be administered by the School of Business of the university.
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-101 | Basic English Language | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-102 | Constitutional Law of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-103 | Legal System of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-104 | Jurisprudence | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-201 | Legal History of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-202 | Law of Tort | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-203 | Muslim Law | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-301 | Constitutional Law of UK & USA | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-302 | Land Laws of Bangladesh-I | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-303 | Law of Contract & Partnership | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-304 | Law of Registration and Law of Limitations | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-401 | Roman Law & Hindu Law | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-402 | Equity and Trust | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-403 | Land Laws of Bangladesh-II | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-404 | Government & Politics | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-501 | Company Law | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-502 | Immigration Law | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-503 | Law of Transfer of Property | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-601 | Public International Law-I | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-602 | Labour and Industrial Law | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-603 | Criminology | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-604 | Banking & Insurance Law | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-701 | Law of Evidence | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-702 | Public International Law-II | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-703 | Fiscal Law | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-801 | Law of Crimes-I | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-802 | Human Rights & Humanitarian Law | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-803 | Intellectual Property Law | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-901 | Code of Civil Procedure-I | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-902 | Mercantile Law | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-903 | Law of Crimes-I I | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-904 | Code of Criminal Procedure-I | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-111 | Specific Relief and Public Demand Recovery Act | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-112 | Code of Civil Procedure-II | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-113 | Code of Criminal Procedure-II | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-114 | Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-115 | Administrative Law-I | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-116 | Law of Conveyancing and Pleading | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | LLB-117 | Law of Environment, Mines and Minerals | 3.00 |
2 | LLB-118 | Administrative Law-II | 3.00 |
3 | LLB-119 | Clinical Legal Education | 3.00 |
4 | LLB-120 | Viva-voce | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0232 3112 | Bangla Language and Literature | 3.00 |
2 | 0231 3113 | English Language and Academic Writing | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 1111 | Jurisprudence | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1114 | Constitutional Law of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1115 | Legal System of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1116 | Constitutional Law of UK & USA | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0222 3122 | History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh | 3.00 |
2 | 0222 1121 | Muslim Law | 3.00 |
3 | 0611 3123 | Computer Applications and ICT | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1124 | Land Laws of Bangladesh | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1125 | Law of Contract & Partnership | 3.00 |
6 | 0031 3126 | Seminar and Oral Presentation – I | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0312 3235 | Government & Politics | 3.00 |
2 | 0421 1231 | Roman & Hindu Law | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 1232 | Equity and Trust | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1233 | Company Law | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1234 | Law of Tort | 3.00 |
6 | 0314 3236 | Introduction to Social Science | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0421 1241 | Law of Transfer of Property | 3.00 |
2 | 0421 1242 | Public International Law | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 2243 | Labor and Industrial Law | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1244 | Criminology | 3.00 |
5 | 0313 3245 | Introduction to Social Psychology | 3.00 |
6 | 0031 3246 | Seminar and Oral Presentation – II | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0421 1351 | Law of Evidence | 3.00 |
2 | 0542 3356 | Introduction to Research Methodology | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 1352 | Law of Conveyancing and Pleading | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1353 | Law of Crimes – I | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1354 | Human Rights & Humanitarian Law | 3.00 |
6 | 0421 1355 | Law of Registration and Law of Limitations | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0421 2361 | Intellectual Property Law | 3.00 |
2 | 0421 1362 | Code of Civil Procedure– I | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 2363 | Mercantile Law | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1364 | Law of Crimes – II | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1365 | Code of Criminal Procedure - I | 3.00 |
6 | 0031 3366 | Seminar and Oral Presentation – III | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0421 1471 | Specific Relief and Public Demand Recovery Act | 3.00 |
2 | 0421 1472 | Code of Civil Procedure– II | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 1473 | Interpretation of Statutes and General Clauses | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1474 | Law of Environment, Mines and Minerals | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 1475 | Code of Criminal Procedure - II | 3.00 |
6 | 0031 3476 | Seminar and Oral Presentation-IV | 3.00 |
SL | Code | Course Title | Credits |
1 | 0421 2481 | Fiscal Law | 3.00 |
2 | 0421 2482 | Immigration Law | 3.00 |
3 | 0421 1483 | Administrative Law | 3.00 |
4 | 0421 1484 | Clinical Legal Education | 3.00 |
5 | 0421 4485 | Viva-voce Examination | 3.00 |
1 | Admission Fee | 15,000/- |
2 | Fee Per Credits | 2,400/- |
3 | Fee Per Semester | 42,300/- |
4 | Total Course Fee | 3,38,400/- |
Narsingdi Campus:
Sristigar, Shibpur, Narsingdi
Dhaka Campus:
3/2, Block-A Asad Avenue, Mohammadpur
While regularly updated, information may occasionally require clarification. Please contact us if needed.
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